Počet záznamů: 1
The Relationship of Voice Stress, Anxiety, and Depression to Life Events and Personal Style Variables
Title information The Relationship of Voice Stress, Anxiety, and Depression to Life Events and Personal Style Variables / Gary T. Long. Vol. 16, Number 2, 1988 Personal name Long, Gary T. (Author) Publication Suva, Fiji : The Society for Personality Research, 1988 Scope P. 133-145 : tb. ISSN 0301-2212 Country Fiji Language English Note Separát. - Text anglicky. - Tb. v textu. - Odkazy.
Document kind separáty In : Social Behavior and Personality Keywords odborná literatura * separát * studie * psychologie * sociální psychologie * psychologie osobnosti * stres * deprese * úzkost * r. 1988 UDC 364.624.6 * 316.6 * 159.9 * -024.83 Uživatelské pole PNP Dar Ludvík Šváb. časopis
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Počet záznamů: 1