Počet záznamů: 1
Genre worlds
Názvové údaje Genre worlds : popular fiction and twenty-first-century book culture / Kim Wilkins, Beth Driscoll, Lisa Fletcher Osobní jméno Wilkins, Kim, 1966- (Autor) Další autoři Driscoll, Beth (Autor) Fletcher, Lisa, 1972- (Autor) Korp. University of Massachusetts Press (Nakladatel, vydavatel) Books International (Tiskař) Nakladatel Amherst ; Boston : University of Massachusetts Press, [2022] Výrobce [Dulles] : Printed and bound by Books International, Inc. Copyright ©2022 Rozsah xi, 233 stran : grafy, tabulka ; 23 cm ISBN 978-1-62534-661-2 (brožováno) Edice Page and screen, (University of Massachusetts Press)
Page and screen, (University of Massachusetts Press)Země vyd. Spojené státy americké Jazyk dok. angličtina Poznámky Zdobená obálka. - Tiráž na rubu titulního listu. - Prolog. - Černobílé grafy. - Poznámky. - Informace o autorech. - Na zadní straně obálky anotace.
Anotace Works of genre fiction are a source of enjoyment, read during cherished leisure time and in incidental moments of relaxation. This original book takes readers inside popular genres of fiction, including crime, fantasy, and romance, to reveal how personal tastes, social connections, and industry knowledge shape genre worlds. Attuned to both the pleasure and the profession of producing genre fiction, the authors investigate contemporary developments in the field--the rise of Amazon, self-publishing platforms, transmedia storytelling, and growing global publishing conglomerates--and show how these interact with older practices, from fan conventions to writers’ groups. Sitting at the intersection of literary studies, genre studies, fan studies, and studies of the book and publishing cultures, Genre Worlds considers how contemporary genre fiction is produced and circulated on a global scale. Its authors propose an innovative theoretical framework that unfolds genre fiction’s most compelling characteristics: its connected social, industrial, and textual practices. As they demonstrate, genre fiction books are not merely texts; they are also nodes of social and industrial activity involving the production, dissemination, and reception of the texts Druh dok. monografie Poznámky o skryté bibliografii a rejstřících Obsahuje bibliografii a rejstřík Klíčová slova odborná literatura * knižní kultura * literární věda * literárněvědné studie * literární žánry * umělecká literatura * populární literatura * vývoj literatury * stol. 21. MDT 82.0 * 82-91 Signatura Přír.číslo Lokace Info MetC 0422 0422/MetC Fond
Počet záznamů: 1